Photography Classes:
PH109 Guided Individual Film & Darkroom Sessions With Lance Rothstein
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Time: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Tuition: $60
Lab Fee: $5
All Levels Welcome!
Session Dates:
(Winter 1, 2025) January 6
(Winter 2, 2025) February 24
(Spring, 2025) April 7
Film photography aficionado Lance Rothstein has been working in the darkroom for more than 20 years and he will be your personal guide as you make real photographs in the Dunedin Fine Art Center Darkroom. Whether you are a seasoned pro who just wants to get back in the darkroom, or a film newbie who has never used it before, Lance will make sure your camera is working right and the chemistry is fresh and ready. He can advise you on any films or cameras, how to select them, where to purchase them, and how to get the best results from them. Then you can develop your own film and make genuine silver gelatin photographic enlargements with expert help every step of the way, or only as needed. To register for this one hour, one-on-one session email Lance to schedule a date and time. Once you have scheduled a session with Lance, please call the Adult Education Department 727-298-3322 to register.
Click Here to Register Now!
PH114 Camera Flash & Studio Lighting With Robert Rostick
Mondays, 6 Week Class
Time: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Tuition: $215
All Levels Welcome!
Session Dates:
(Winter 1, 2025) January 6
(Winter 2, 2025) February 24
(Spring, 2025) April 7
This class will teach you about the use of on camera external flash, remote flash and the use of continuous lights in and out of the studio. If you are interested in portraits, fashion, people or event photography using supplemental lighting and modifiers, this is the class for you. You will need an external portable flash or two, a remote trigger (not required), camera to attach the flash unit and lots of curiosity about how light works.
Click Here to Register Now!
PH112 Introduction to Digital Photography With Robert Rostick
Tuesdays, 6 Week Class
Time: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Tuition: $215
Lab Fee: $20
Levels: Beginner, Intermediate
Session Dates:
(Winter 1, 2025) January 7
(Winter 2, 2025) February 25
(Spring, 2025) April 8
This course is designed for beginners and those wanting to make the switch from automatic settings in order to take creative control to a manual shooting mode. Students should bring a Digital SLR (DSLR) or Mirrorless 35mm camera to class. Crop sensor and micro 4/3’s are also welcome. There will be an emphasis on foundational principles such as camera functions/operation, composition and lighting basics through a hands-on approach. We will cover photography history, explore concepts for shooting assignments, demonstrations and at home projects. At the conclusion, students should exhibit basic proficiency in a variety of photographic situations.
Click Here to Register Now!
PH106 Exploring Film Photography & Darkroom Techniques With Lance Rothstein
Wednesdays, 6 Week Class
Time: 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Tuition: $215
Lab Fee: $25
All Levels Welcome!
Session Dates:
(Winter 1, 2025) January 8
(Winter 2, 2025) February 26
(Spring, 2025) April 9
Whether you’re new to film photography or just want to refine your skills, this class will help unlock the magic that can be created using traditional film camera and darkroom techniques. Escape the digital doldrums and explore the vast world of tangible imagery, crafting your own hand-made gelatin silver photographs using brand new, cutting-edge methods, and others more than 100 years old. This class will cover: Selecting and using a film camera. (Cameras can be rented from instructor if you don’t have one) Learning how to make a good exposure Developing black & white film Making proof sheets / contact prints -Learning which negatives will make the best prints -Using darkroom enlargers to make traditional silver-gelatin photographs.
Click Here to Register Now!
Photography Workshops:
W-PH207 Photo Safari With Leslie Joy Ickowitz
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Tuition: $45
All Levels Welcome!
Workshop Dates:
Tuesday, January 21:
Downtown Dunedin (The courtyard adjacent to the Black Pearl of Dunedin—315 Main Street)
Tuesday, February 11:
Tarpon Springs (Adjacent to Sponge diver Supply—693 Dodecanese Blvd.)
Bring your camera phone or bring your DSLR, because the best camera is always the one you have on you! Join this two-hour walking Photo Safari along Main Street in downtown Dunedin, or along the Sponge Docks in Tarpon Springs (see session date for meeting location) where we will each take pictures of whatever attracts our curious eye. We will focus on using available light, capturing creative compositions, and inspiring fresh ways of looking at scenes and surroundings to make interesting photographs. No experience or fancy equipment necessary. Wear comfortable shoes.
Click Here to Register Now!