WA18 Schedule:
6:30 PM – Pre-Party at DFAC – open to all guests. All General Admission Ticket holders check-in at DFAC. DJ GNK is spinning for the Pre-Party with his Security Guard, The Mandalorian.
7:30 PM – Doors Open at Community Center for Runway Show for all GA, Outer Rows, VIP & Sponsor Ticket Holders
8:00 PM – Runway Show begins at Community Center, and live broadcast airs at DFAC
Approx. 9:00 PM – Runway show concludes, and After Party begins at DFAC featuring and Julie Black & Her Band
10:30 PM – After Party concludes at DFAC
* Seat numbers will be provided to guests upon arrival at the event. DFAC staff and volunteers will be ready to assist guests with finding their seats prior to the show.
Tickets are Sold Out! We look forward to seeing everyone at the show! Thank you!
Wearable ART at DFAC Continues to Be the ULTIMATE Art Fashion Show in Tampa Bay!
For the past seventeen years, WA designers have shocked, defied and delighted audiences with fashions that arrest the senses and exceed imagination! DFAC’s Wearable Art Designers have gone on to receive international acclaim at New Zealand’s renowned World of Wearable Art Show with fashions incorporating kinetic illusion, unlikely materials, pop-culture mythologies + outrageous theatre. This runway show is a state-of-the-art production and we seek designers of comparable excellence! If you are interested in Sponsorship Opportunities CLICK HERE.
Sound the Bugles! DFAC is Thrilled to Announce this Year’s Runway Artists for WA18
Artemis & Aphrodite
Bay to Bay Wearable Art Collective
Mark Castle
DemiGod Studio
Vanessa Froehling
Jason Hackenwerth
Kamysha of lolahSoul Jewelry
Cindy Linville
Stacy Lovejoy
Neva the Diva
* Seat numbers will be provided to guests upon arrival at the event. DFAC staff and volunteers will be ready to assist guests with finding their seats prior to the show.
A Recap of Last Year’s wearable ART 17