Clay Workshops:
W-CL611 Crystalline Glaze Workshop with Tanner Sawitz With Glenn Aable-Woods
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuition $280
Levels: Intermediate, Advanced, Professional
Workshop Dates:
Saturday, March 29
Wheel-Thrown Miniature Porcelain Forms with Crystalline Glaze
From throwing to glazing, Tanner will take you through his unique methods of creating
small-scale forms out of porcelain. He will be showing every stage of several different types of forms, discussing design and challenges, and showing which tools work best for intricate work. This two day workshop will begin with all attendees glazing one of their own pieces, utilizing some of Tanner’s glazing strategies when it comes to using both crystal and non-crystal glazes on the same piece. Tanner will then demonstrate throwing various small-scale forms off the hump, showing how to think about glazing effectiveness even at these early stages.
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