Community Sharing | the ART of social distancing


We hope this grows to become one of our most visited pages.  Here we’ll share…. well, you!

Tell us what’s going on.  Share what you’re working on. Share something you are particularly proud or fond of.

To get us started, we’ve started some Facebook groups… Stop by and share.

I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours | Daily Photos
Show us your daily photos…  What is YOUR world looking like?

Paint By Number | Daily Paintings
Counting the Days Until We’re Together Again, share your WIP or complete paintings as we all practice

Drawn Together | Daily Drawings
Post your drawings in this group to share with the DFAC community and beyond as we all practice

Express Yourself | Self Portraits
Show us how you express yourself! Post your latest self-portrait and receive feedback from artist and educator Mason Gehring!

Incredible Edibles| Sharing What We’re Eating
We know everyone is cooking at eating INCREDIBLE stuff! Show us Yours!


Here are some folks who are doing some stuff we think you might enjoy!  Check them out and let us know!


DFAC Faculty member Mason Gehring is presenting a daily art meditation exercise.  Join her on either Face Book or Instagram for a dose of daily insight.


Gianna Pergamo is wondering if you are looking for something to do? Gianna is represented in our Gallery Shop and produces work under the name Pergamo Paper Goods.  An example of her whimsical work is yours for the downloading. You can color your own mermaid horse! Depending on the paper you print it on, you can use crayon, colored pencil, or paint! Or, color it in digitally!  Don’t forget to add some sea creatures!  Click HERE or on the image above for a printable PDF.  You can share your finished work in our FaceBook Group:


PROMPT | at the Morean Arts Center

Shout out to our dynamic colleagues at the Morean in St. Petersburg for their fun and thoughtful online ‘prompt’ feature. Together, we are ALL keeping our eyes on the prize of ensuring our vibrant arts community stays active and connected! Take the PROMPT and be inspired!


Chris Roberts-Antieau | A Coloring Book for Shut-Ins
Chris Antieau has been producing inspired work that has been on our radar for years.  Now that you probably won’t be making it to her galleries in New Orleans or Santa Fe anytime soon, Take advantage of the coloring book she is publishing a page at a time on her website.  Download all of the pages here!


Emergency Funding Grant Opportunities for Artists 
There are thankfully more and more grant opportunities becoming available daily to help artists weather this incredible time we are facing.  We offer the list here as a place to start.  Please share with us if you find others….  Be Well, Stay Safe!


#the ARTofsocialdistancing

And always, always, let us hear what you think: