Date: April 7 , 2020
From: Dunedin Fine Art Center
Contact: Ken Hannon @ 727.298.DFAC, x230
The health and safety of everyone in the DFAC community is of the utmost importance to us. With that in mind, and under guidelines issued by the CDC, State and County Health Departments, the Dunedin Fine Art Center closed after our final classes the evening of March 17, 2020. This means classes, workshops, events, galleries, Palm Café, Gallery Shop and offices will be CLOSED at LEAST until Friday, May 1st.
If you DO need to contact us for some reason, we suggest that email might be the best way, as many of our staff are be making use of remote connections during this period.
These are certainly unprecedented circumstances and we ask for your patience and support as we all find our way through this difficult time.
We will be delivering an array of alternative programming through many of the electronic means available to us. Please check the ART of Social Distancing section of our website often over the coming weeks for special presentations and projects for kids, teens, and adults. We just can’t help ourselves, after all, ART IS > What We Do!
Please stay healthy and we hope to see you soon!
Dunedin Fine Art Center
1143 Michigan Blvd.
Dunedin, FL 34698