NEW Winter & Spring Classes Now Registering at DFAC!

Remember sledding down that snowy hill? How about the earliest memory you have of the creative freedom of art? Perhaps it’s the smell of a new box of crayons as you first opened them, or the tremendous feeling of the clay squishing between your fingers as you squeezed it. A blank sheet of paper, a ball of clay and a world of possibilities. Those possibilities of course are still there inside of you. The Dunedin Fine Art Center just wants to help you realize them this winter.

FREE Coffee & Conversation with Debra Thomas-Weible 1.8.2015

Thursday, Jaunuary 8th at 12 noon,the series hosts artist Debra Thomas-Weible. Debra is a watercolor artist who was an Ophthalmologist in a former life. Over the past 15 years, she has slowly learned the art of watercolor , mostly concentrating on domestic animals and wildlife, where she emphasizes the beauty of their eyes.