Hanging out, drinking delicious coffee, talking about art… ahhhh, that’s the life! Well, that IS the life at least for an hour or so each month at the Dunedin Fine Art Center’s Coffee and Conversation series. Enjoy FREE coffee (Presented by the Sterling Society of DFAC) and FREE insights as each month’s invited guest holds forth on their own area of expertise.
Free Coffee and Conversation with Charrie Hazard – 9-11-14 at DFAC
August 26, 2014
(September 11, 2014)
wearable ART SIZZLES in Year TEN at DFAC!
August 23, 2014
(August 23, 2014)
DFAC Announces 2013-14 Calendar
August 16, 2014
(2013-2014 Season)
NEW Fall Classes Now Registering at DFAC
August 15, 2014
(September 8th – December 14th, 2014)
Young Twins Set to Help Dunedin Dolphins Become Part of the Dolphin Trail
August 06, 2014
(August 22, 2014)