- Background fabric cut to 19” x 22”. Duck cloth 100% un- bleached natural cotton, used in making canvas tote bags, I use 7 oz. weight. The finished art will be 11” x 14”

- Sewing machine* in good working order with ability to do free- motion ?

- Embroidery foot and spare bobbins for your machine ?

- Black and white copy of supplied image, printed at 11” x 14” and cut out. You may have to go to Staples or Kinkos to print at exact size- this is your TEMPLATE.?

- Color copy of supplied image, printed at standard 8.5” x11” to use as a reference only. ?

- Fine glass head pins (need them very sharp)

- Jeans/Denim (size 90) machine sewing needles, two packs. ?

- Paper scissors and small fabric scissors. ?

- Assorted cotton fabric prints for applique of the design. Bring as much as you’d like.

- 8” wooden hand embroidery hoop

- Black fine line pen (ie Sharpie – ultra fine point) ?

- White dressmakers chalk ?(for marking any darks) - HB and B graphite pencils, sharpener and eraser ?

- Tape measure ?

- 12” wide Sulky water-soluble stabilizer
Sulky water soluble stabilizer

- 50 weight 100% cotton sewing thread in a variety of colors, you may need up to 30 colors for blending as well as darker shades for adding detail and outlines. I use 50 wt. Aurifil cotton threads. Note: If you happen to have a supply of poly threads, then please feel free to use them. We will be blending with fabrics you have chosen, so this will help you choose your threads.

Fabric choices:? You will need fabrics that are in three tones, light medium and dark. Choose as many as you wish and try to mix up the size of the prints. Batiks are great, however I find they tend to fray a bit. I use Kaffe Fasset, Philip Jacobs, Liberty of London and Martha Negley.

*Please bring a sewing machine that you are very familiar with as I am not a mechanic and will not be able to help you should you run into problems.

1) Cut out duck cloth (or canvas) 19” x 22”

2) Zig-zag edges to keep from fraying

3) Find center and mark.
4) Using a pencil draw a box 14” w by 11” h
5) Using supplied photo template (must be printed exact size as provided), carefully cut out the animal and trace on to the canvas. Save background and animal and bring to class.