Kerry Stratton Waltz

Beginning Watercolor PT579

Instructor: Waltz, Kerry Stratton

Day of Week: Thur 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Levels: Beginner,Intermediate

Location: Dunedin Fine Art Center

Member Tuition: $185.00

Non-Member: $215.00

New to watercolor? This class will lead you through everything you need to know to get started in watercolor. We will complete a painting each week that will focus on basic techniques and explore a variety of subject matter. No prior experience needed, just a few supplies and a desire to have FUN! Ages 17 and up.

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Intermediate Watercolor PT582

Instructor: Waltz, Kerry Stratton

Day of Week: Mon 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Levels: Intermediate,Advanced

Location: Dunedin Fine Art Center

Member Tuition: $185.00

Non-Member: $215.00

Enjoy all the wonderful creative techniques that are unique to watercolor: how to control wet-into wet washes and use those creative techniques to express your subject. We will learn how to plan for success by using the elements of design, color theory and painting plans. Emphasis will be on how to loosen up with wet into wet watercolor. There will be daily demonstrations and plenty of individual attention. Ages 17 and up.

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Wet Watercolor W-PT578

Instructor: Waltz, Kerry Stratton

Day of Week: Sat 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Levels: All Levels

Location: Dunedin Fine Art Center

Member Tuition: $75.00

Non-Member: $90.00

This one-day workshop will explore all the wonderful creative techniques that watercolor offers. Demonstrations, individual attention, and classroom discussions that will help you create loose, impressionistic and expressive watercolors. We will learn how to plan for success by using the elements of design, color theory, and making painting plans. Enjoy the liquidity and spontaneity of watercolor. Ages 17 and up.

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One Day Watercolor Workshop W-PT597

Instructor: Waltz, Kerry Stratton

Day of Week: Sat 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Levels: Beginner,Intermediate

Location: Dunedin Fine Art Center

Member Tuition: $75.00

Non-Member: $90.00

Lab Fee:   $5.00

This class is a brief introduction to watercolors for beginners. No prior experience needed, just a desire to have fun. We will finish a painting that you can take home. We will even supply all the materials so you can try watercolor techniques before investing in supplies. Ages 17 and up.

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