Our Board of Trustees help to facilitate the Dunedin Fine Art Center’s mission to offer creative educational experiences in the visual arts. Our board members are tasked with stimulating both awareness and appreciation of the arts through various outlets. By working to increase the visibility and importance of the art center to the community, our board members help to ensure that the Dunedin Fine Art Center remains a premiere art center in Florida.
The Dunedin Fine Art Center is proud to recognize the committed and hardworking leadership that inspires our art center’s continued growth and development within the community. We are honored to introduce you to our Board of Trustees who have helped to shape the Dunedin Fine Art Center into what it is today and what it will be tomorrow.
Board Officers
Rachael Wood, Chair
Susan Benjamin, Vice Chair
Ed Ziegler, Secretary
Robert Weskerna, Treasurer
Fred Miller, Parliamentarian
Michael Bowman, Immediate Past Chair
Board Members
Steve Beaty
Holly Bird
John Freeborn
Karen Hauk
Emmanuel Lelekis
Julie Scales
Susan Siewruk (Sterling Society Representative)
Elisabeth Smith
Bryan Voliton
Non-Voting Members
Commissioner Rob Walker, City of Dunedin Liaison
Dr. Irwin Entel, Financial Advisor
Andrea Nalls, President & CEO